On the on the 12th of June I was taking photos for BBC introducing In Northampton club Roadmender. The BBC found some of Northampton's best musical talent and they were all playing under one roof.
Bands and Mc's performed and collaborated together coming up with new tunes exclusively for the event and they all played the roof off!
The line up for the gig was:
Billy Locket - Billy sings with a band and also plays the guitar and piano. He collaborated with MC static who performed after. The collaboration song was amazing along with the rest of his performance
http://www.facebook.com/bi llylockettmusic
Statik - 18 year old MC that performed alongside Billy Locket
The Francis Jetty - A local rock band that rocked the show with a brilliant sound. They made an exceptional collaboration with MC ill murk.
http://www.myspace.com/fra ncisjettymusic
Ill Murk - Ill Murk is a solo MC and has had his music played by MistaJam on Radio 1, 1Xtra.
http://www.mediafire.com/a katheillest
Decibels - The decibels play electro-indie music. They smashed it on the night with a collabaration with champagne bubblee http://soundcloud.com/deci belselectro
Champagne Bubblee - A MC who is big around Northampton with large group following him and his music. He also has an online TV show
http://www.champagnebubble e.com/home/
Code500 - A newer Northampton band collaborating with MC's The organized Rhyme Family
http://www.myspace.com/cod e-500
The Organised Rhyme Family - MC's who made a collaboration song with code500
http://www.myspace.com/the organisedrhymefamily
Diz Mackintosh
Part of the group "Council Kids" along side Kaotic. The council kids wrote a new song exclusively for the gig.
Also a part of the concil kids hear them rapping here:
Rapped to dubstep in the gig and also wrote a dubstep song. This brought a high energy performance to the crowd who loved it.
other MC's
Lickle J
Merlin& Colt
Jam D
Here are some of the photo's of the artists perfoming I took:
Bands and Mc's performed and collaborated together coming up with new tunes exclusively for the event and they all played the roof off!
The line up for the gig was:
Billy Locket - Billy sings with a band and also plays the guitar and piano. He collaborated with MC static who performed after. The collaboration song was amazing along with the rest of his performance
Statik - 18 year old MC that performed alongside Billy Locket
The Francis Jetty - A local rock band that rocked the show with a brilliant sound. They made an exceptional collaboration with MC ill murk.
Ill Murk - Ill Murk is a solo MC and has had his music played by MistaJam on Radio 1, 1Xtra.
Decibels - The decibels play electro-indie music. They smashed it on the night with a collabaration with champagne bubblee http://soundcloud.com/deci
Champagne Bubblee - A MC who is big around Northampton with large group following him and his music. He also has an online TV show
Code500 - A newer Northampton band collaborating with MC's The organized Rhyme Family
The Organised Rhyme Family - MC's who made a collaboration song with code500
Diz Mackintosh
Part of the group "Council Kids" along side Kaotic. The council kids wrote a new song exclusively for the gig.
Also a part of the concil kids hear them rapping here:
Rapped to dubstep in the gig and also wrote a dubstep song. This brought a high energy performance to the crowd who loved it.
other MC's
Lickle J
Merlin& Colt
Jam D
Here are some of the photo's of the artists perfoming I took:
Champagne bubblee practicing his lines before the gig
Billy locket performing
Member of the francis jetty singer, guitar and piano player.
Part of The Organised Rhyme Family collaborating with code500
The Decibels Lead singer playing a symbol and the snare
Guitarist and singer of the decibels
Nice Blog mate, its a good read, nice to see a great Northampton Blogger.
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